har modtaget følgende fra ejer:
I found out the name (connection) of one of my photo's I have
on your webpage, maybe you can insert the following on your
Fot00730 - Hustru of Jakob Larsen from Haestrup Molle.
Foto by Kirstine Lund. No. 8983.
This photograph and all Kirstine Lund photos are numbered and
archived at the following museum:
The Kirstine Lund collection (Hjørring) 1882-1969 (1882-84 in
Historical Archives - Vendsyssel Historical Museum - Hjørring
Vendsyssel Historiske Museum & Arkiv
Museumsgade 3,
DK 9800 Hjørring |
Webmaster ønsker tillykke med identificeringen!
Ejer skrev i sin tid:
Photo of unidentified woman, possibly a relation to Marinus
Larsen, or his wife Christine Pedersen, or other name of Larsdatter,